Shining Live Wiki

Episode 1[]

Ren Jinguji: There are many fine ways to enjoy even a rainy day. Don't you agree, my lady?

Ren Jinguji: I think I'd spend the whole day whiling away time with my date at a quiet art museum or a cafe.

Ren Jinguji: Or I might find a window seat in town where I could admire the rainy scenery. A little creativity can brighten any day!

Ren Jinguji: The theme of today's photo shoot is a "rainy day date." An excellent choice! I was born for this.

Ren Jinguji: No matter the weather, as long as I'm with my lady, it's bound to be a magical time.

Episode 2[]

Ren Jinguji: Are you all right, my lady? It's my fault your nice clothes are all wet. I shouldn't have invited you out on such a rainy day.

Ren Jinguji: Oh, I'm fine. This is nothing. Men's clothes only need to be washed to make them look as good as new.

Ren Jinguji: But it doesn't seem like the rain will let up anytime soon. There's a cafe up ahead; why don't we wait there until the weather clears?

Ren Jinguji: I would hate for you to catch a cold, so let's get a hot drink and warm ourselves up a bit. Hm? But what if it keeps raining, you ask?

Ren Jinguji: That would certainly be a conundrum. But why don't you spend the rest of the evening with me? We can spend the time together uninterrupted by the weather.
