Shining Live Wiki

Episode 1[]

Syo Kurusu: Happy New Year! I'm super excited you could join us for our first broadcast of the year, live on air!

Syo Kurusu: The studio and the greenroom are all decked out for New Year's. Man, I love this festive spirit! So, did you have any cool dreams overnight to ring in the year?

Syo Kurusu: I was hoping my imagination would cook up something cool, but I've been practicing so much, all I could dream about was working on our act!

Syo Kurusu: On that note, I'm performing with Hijirikawa for the talent show this year. We make a pretty good team, so practicing together was a snap!

Syo Kurusu: We went to meditate under a waterfall to get ready for this special. It was SUPER cold, but we came back pretty refreshed! We're at the top of our game, so don't miss us!

Episode 2[]

Syo Kurusu: We combined traditional dance with some sweet karate moves! We worked really hard on getting the choreography just right.

Syo Kurusu: Hijirikawa plays a more fluid part, while my stance is more stiff and strong. That should make for an impactful performance.

Syo Kurusu: Practice was tough, but if you knuckle down and work hard, you can really do anything! I was so freaked out about losing my balance on air...

Syo Kurusu: But luckily it ended up looking really cool, so we got a lot of points out of it! This dance is dedicated to your health and happiness in the new year!

Syo Kurusu: My New Year's resolution? Full-throttle chivalrous spirit, every day of the year! Try to keep up with me!
